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Employment Services

We are here to help with your employment needs

Disability Network Northern Michigan is an accredited and certified Employment Network providing the following services:

Social Security Benefits Counseling 

Our team is here to assist you in understanding the impact of employment on your Social Security Benefits, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Information and Referral

Our team will collaborate with you to establish and support your personalized employment objectives or connect you with relevant employment agencies and resources. We also offer information on MiABLE accounts and can provide referrals to other agencies and services for special needs trusts.

Ticket To Work

Ticket to Work is a Social Security Administration program for people ages of 18-64 that receive Social Security benefits (Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income). The program helps people return to work and receive ongoing support.  Assigning your Ticket to Work is voluntary and free. Disability Network of Northern Michigan is a member of the American Dream Employment Network (ADEN) and can offer full employment network services under the Ticket to Work program.


Assigning your Ticket to Work will protect you from Continuing Disability Reviews by the Social Security Administration, as long as you are making progress towards your work goals. Receive services such as career counseling, job search, long term employment support, benefits counseling, social security work incentive advisement and financial services/resources. Our Ticket to Work Specialists can assist you regarding employment, benefits and assigning your Ticket to Work with Disability Network of Northern Michigan.

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